It’s March and spring is in the air! It is the perfect time to review, renew, and revamp your health and wellness goals.
We all think about spring cleaning regarding our homes, but it’s also important to think about cleaning up our mind, body, and soul.
Whether it be improving your physique, clearing your mind, eating heart-healthy, or a new way of thinking, here are some springtime tips to consider for your wellbeing.
What is it that you want? How do you want to feel? Where do you want to be a year from now with your body, your health, your work, your family, etc.? What is your ultimate dream for yourself? Go big! Write this down in detail so you have something tangible to follow. Each week do something to get yourself closer to your ultimate wellness plan! Baby steps lead to giant leaps. Have faith in the process.
Get outdoors
Winter can bring on feelings of complacency or wanting to stay indoors. Spring is a beautiful time of year to lace up your tennis shoes, go outside and take a walk in the sunshine. It can boost your mood and motivate you to get yourself moving.
Revamp your fitness wardrobe
A new, bright, shiny fitness wardrobe can be motivating for anyone! Get rid of clothes that no longer fit or that you are just tired of and bring in a few new pieces. Splurge on something new that makes you feel good! Stop by The Shop at The Houstonian to see their latest fitness fashion!
Declutter your mind
Think of ways to help yourself relax, meditate, or de-stress. Discover new ways to bring calm into your life. Bringing down the stress hormones will have a ripple effect that will be beneficial to your entire body.
Clean up your nutrition
Springtime is a great time to enjoy all the beautiful produce that is in season. Try a new way of getting more protein, discover ways to meal prep, or consider taking a cooking class.
Spend time with family and friends
Time with loved ones and people who care about you can feed your soul! Plan to have coffee with a friend that you haven’t seen in a while, plan a trip with your spouse or make a reservation at a new restaurant with your favorite people. Reconnect with your community in a way that you haven’t tried before.
Any change will be a good change! Decide what is most important to you and focus on that first. Remember every day is a gift.
By Houstonian Club Personal Trainer Connie Emmerson