Probiotics are one of the most used dietary supplements among adults in the U.S. If you do not already know, probiotics are living microorganisms that help maintain a healthy gut. They help colonize the good bacteria in the gut, which carry out countless functions. The gut produces vitamin K and B vitamins. Many aspects of your immune system live in and interact with your GI tract. Probiotics keep the bad guys at bay, help with nutrient absorption, and aid in digestion among other helpful functions. Studies suggest they can treat or prevent diarrhea, UTIs and IBS to name a few. There are different strains of probiotics for different symptoms so speak with a clinician to help decide which is best for you. The gut flora is sensitive to your diet and is linked to different diseases. It is also important to also consume prebiotics, which are fibers the probiotics need in order to thrive.
For general well being and maintenance of good gut flora, here are some simple ways to incorporate foods with probiotics into your diet:
- Kimchi
- Sauerkraut
- Kefir
- Yogurt
- Cultured coconut yogurt
- Kombucha
It is also important to feed the good bacteria with indigestible fibers. These include:
- Garlic
- Onions
- Leeks
- Asparagus
- Barley
- Oats
I will also be discussing how probiotics can improve the health of your digestive tract at my next Zoom seminar on Gut Health on October 28 at 6 pm. To register for this event or to learn more about incorporating prebiotics and probiotics into your diet, feel free to contact me at
By: Denise Hernandez, MS, RD, LD