Optimize your Body, Maximize your Peformance!

Have you ever wondered what it would take to maximize performance during your workouts? The key to peak athletic performance is cellular nutrition. From an amateur athlete to a seasoned professional, the demand for staying at the top of your game requires a unique competitive advantage. Taking an individualized approach to cellular nutrition is what will give you this edge. 

The Houstonian Club Results Center is now offering micronutrient testing through SpectraCell Laboratories. We realized that as athletes push themselves to their physical and mental limits, their cells are what propel them towards their goals. When cells perform optimally – absorbing, metabolizing, repairing, building – the athlete will feel it.

The role of macronutrients – carbohydrates, protein, and fat – is well recognized, while micronutrients are often overlooked. Micronutrients can give cells a quantum leap forward in terms of performance. The cumulative effect of that is strength, endurance, and focus – the hallmarks of an exceptional athlete. Some of the benefits of knowing cellular functional performance include:
  • Improving mental focus
  • Protecting against brain injury
  • Minimizing oxidative stress
  • Improving immunity
  • Improving hormone regulation
  • Boosting cellular energy
  • Accelerating muscle recovery
SpectraCell's Micronutrient Test measures 31 nutritional components, but goes even further by measuring long-term, functional performance of your cells. This gives your practitioner an unparalleled insight to help determine what your body needs to maximize health and meet desired athletic outcomes.

This test is available to anyone who would like to know more about the state of their cellular health – not just athletes. For more information or to book your appointment, please contact our dietitians at nutrition@houstonian.com or stop by our office today.