It is common for adults to gain about 1-2 pounds of weight between mid-November and January. The abundance of food and drinks at family/work meals and parties, cold weather, and busy schedules make it especially hard to stick to a healthy diet and exercise routine.
According to the National Weight Control Registry, people who tend to have successful long-term weight loss maintenance modified their food intake in some way, increased their physical activity, and ate breakfast daily.
From an energy level point of view, the lower your total energy expenditure, the lower your energy intake should be during the holidays to maintain weight.
Here are some weight management tips to help you stay on track with your fitness goals:
- Keeping a record of your food content (calories and fat) and physical activity each day will help you avoid unplanned weight gain. Try food recording apps like MyFitness Pal. This will also serve as a tool to find areas of opportunity when you’re ready to tackle your fitness goals in the new year.
- Paying attention to your body when you’re eating will help prevent overindulging. Be deliberate and choose one favorite treat, rather than trying everything on the dessert tray.
- Creating memories with family or friends with activities such as a walk to look at holiday lights, ice skating, a 5K, an art class, or a game night. Happy Holidays!