Please follow these simple rules to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience in all classes.
- Please store all of your personal belongings in or next to the cubbies near the entrance of the studio. NO bags, phones, purses, or other items are to be kept around the perimeter of the room or next to the Member, as these are a trip hazard during class.
- Under no circumstances may cell phones be used during class. They should be kept in the cubbies and silenced. Members are welcome to check their phones in the cubbies if needed and are asked to exit the studio to answer a call.
- NO conversations or disruptive behavior during class. Please be mindful of your fellow Members and be respectful. If talking becomes distracting for other Members, we will ask you to take your conversation elsewhere.
- Members are not permitted to save spots, bikes or mats in any class. All equipment and space are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
- NEW POLICY! Members are allowed to have a maximum of 4 sets of dumbbells in their space and are asked to place dumbbells at the front of the bench. Benches should be centered behind the logo to maximize space for all participants and for your safety during class. (See photo)