As The Houstonian Club begins the process of reopening, the energy is different because this is not a return to business as usual. The behavior of many Club Members has changed as many desire connections through virtual workouts which are becoming more common. COVID-19 has driven the need for live streaming/virtual workouts in ways we had not thought of a few months ago.
There are many Members who have not actively exercised due to concerns over COVID-19, or time constraints like work, family, and other factors. Now that virtual training is offered to all of our active Members, trainers can now be in the comfort of your own home.
Some of you may have already tried to purchase exercise equipment and found most of the items are out of stock. As people have had to exercise from their homes, gym equipment over the past few months has seen a 300 percent growth in sales.
If this is the case don’t let it discourage you from exercising. Our personal trainers can create an effective workout for you based on the equipment you do have and can offer suggestions if you don’t have any equipment. You will be amazed at how creative the Houstonian Club personal trainers can be.
The future of personal training has changed forever due to the virus. This will be a big win for our Members as they can now take advantage of the Houstonian Club on an "anywhere and anytime” basis, so you are always connected to the Club you know and love.
By Chad Fuqua
Call our fitness office at
713.316.2716 to schedule your appointment today!