Baby Steps Back to Reality

Hello out there!  I’m writing to you from my home. A place that I have spent more time in than ever before!  What a crazy experience this pandemic has put us all through!  So many emotions from being scared and uncertain to feelings of peace and reflection. Everyone’s experience has been different. One thing that we all have in common is that soon the world will open back up and we have to adjust back to our reality. Have you given it any thought? Do you know what that looks like? Are you ready?  

Let’s take a look at some baby steps back to reality. One foot in front of the other leading to leaps and bounds as you go.Think of a small plan. Where do you want to be physically and emotionally in 3 months from now? What does your body look like? Where is your mind? How are you feeling? Believe you can get there.  Write these thoughts down so you can see them everyday and work towards them. Each week do something for yourself to lead you towards realizing these thoughts and feelings about yourself. Write down 2 to 3 small goals to reach each week and do your best to achieve them.  

If weight loss is something you want to achieve in 3 months time, a weekly goal could be to try on your favorite gym clothes and see how they feel! Talk about motivation! Are you comfortable when you put them on? Where are they squeezing you the most? Do you want to feel this way? Does the bowl of ice cream REALLY taste as good as fitting in your gym clothes feels? Maybe start wearing jeans or tights or a swim suit around your house and feel them getting looser each day?  Don't let day one of the world opening be the day you discover none of your clothes fit. Start now. You have time. You can do it.  
In the meantime take care of your mental health through relaxation, connecting with people you care about, stretching your body, deep breathing, try to make better food choices and have good thoughts about yourself and your life.  

The pandemic is not in our control.  It happened, it’s still happening.  We hate it, but now we are going to push passed it and pick up the pieces.  We have to.  

Take care of yourselves!  I look so forward to seeing all of my sweet members and coworkers and all of the smiles and happiness that happens at the Houstonian Club! I love my work family!
Connie Emmerson
Personal Trainer