Sculpt U Physical Therapy

Sculpt U Physical Therapy, led by brothers Dr. Clay and Dr. Ryan Ardoin, has proudly served The Houstonian Club since 2020. Members seeking relief for their aches and pains are never disappointed after reaching out to our physical therapists. As patients walk into the clinic, they are guided through a proven process, beginning with an evaluation of medical history, lifestyle, and an analysis of movement abilities. This comprehensive assessment leads to the complete understanding of specific ailment(s) and a clear path forward to a brighter future powered by manual therapy, corrective exercise and current concepts of strength and conditioning. 
The physical therapists at Sculpt U work with many complex issues such as chronic back pain/sciatica, dizziness/balance disorders, and joint pain/muscle pain. In addition to the staff’s extensive medical experience, the therapists also have unique athletic backgrounds. This allows them to genuinely relate and communicate to Members who enjoy weightlifting, golfing, tennis, running, and other activities. The team prides itself on healing people in the gym and empowering Members to do more of what they love.
Bringing Sculpt U to The Houstonian is just one of the many ways the Club is a leader and innovator in the health club experience. Stop in and speak with one of our therapists or call to schedule an evaluation today!