Back-to-School Brunch & Bubbles

Back-to-School Brunch & Bubbles

After the drop-offs, join us for a back-to-school brunch to celebrate the new school year and meet other moms of school-aged children. 

Wednesday, Aug. 28
10:30 a.m. to Noon 
The Kitchen
$24++ per person

Buffet Breakfast, Coffee, Mimosas, & Swag Bag

Come as you are! 
Wear what you feel best in, post-workout or brunch attire.

RSVP to by Sunday, Aug. 25. 

Space is limited. The cancellation policy is in effect. 

Date: Wednesday, Aug. 28
Time: 10:30 a.m. to Noon
Location: The Kitchen
Contact: RSVP to by Sunday, Aug. 25.