12 Days of Christmas Workout Challenge

12 Days of Christmas Workout Challenge 
Perform all exercises for time.

Just like the song! Perform them in a ladder; 1 front squat, then 2 sumo deadlift to high pull + 1 front squat, then 3 push presses + 2 deadlift to high pull + 1 front squat and so on...

1 Front squat (75 lbs/55 lbs)
2 Sumo deadlift to high pull (75 lbs/55 lbs)
3 Push presses (75 lbs/55 lbs)
4 Pull-ups (full hang)
5 Knee to elbows
6 Kettlebell swings (24 kg/16 kg)
7 Kettlebell upright rows (24 kg/16 kg)
8 Burpees (with full push-ups)
9 Box jumps (24 in/20 in)
10 (each leg) Plate overhead walking lunges (45 lbs/25 lbs)
11 Push-ups
12 (each leg) Bulgarian Squats (18 kg/12 kg)

The fastest male and female will win a foundational service at The Covery.

Make sure to grab a member or the fitness staff to record your time. 
Try as many times as you like through the month to stay on top!

For more information, contact Heather Thompson at hthompson@houstonian.com or 713.685.6721.

Date: Now through Dec. 31
Time: Multiple
Location: The Fitness Center
Contact: For more information, contact Heather Thompson at hthompson@houstonian.com or 713.685.6721.