12 Days of Christmas Workout Challenge
Perform all exercises for time.
Just like the song! Perform them in a ladder; 1 front squat, then 2 sumo deadlift to high pull + 1 front squat, then 3 push presses + 2 deadlift to high pull + 1 front squat and so on...
1 Front squat (75 lbs/55 lbs)
2 Sumo deadlift to high pull (75 lbs/55 lbs)
3 Push presses (75 lbs/55 lbs)
4 Pull-ups (full hang)
5 Knee to elbows
6 Kettlebell swings (24 kg/16 kg)
7 Kettlebell upright rows (24 kg/16 kg)
8 Burpees (with full push-ups)
9 Box jumps (24 in/20 in)
10 (each leg) Plate overhead walking lunges (45 lbs/25 lbs)
11 Push-ups
12 (each leg) Bulgarian Squats (18 kg/12 kg)
The fastest male and female will win a foundational service at The Covery.
Make sure to grab a member or the fitness staff to record your time.
Try as many times as you like through the month to stay on top!